Amber Flag Award

Amber Flag Award

I am absolutely delighted to announce that Kilbeg National School has been awarded the Amber Flag for our efforts with focusing on and promoting Positive Mental Health in our school this year. The Pieta House team commented that Kilbeg NS made an ‘outstanding application’ to this initiative and that they were ‘truly overwhelmed with our commitment and dedication’ with our goals and efforts particularly over the last few months. I’m extremely proud of how well our staff, pupils and families embraced this initiative and that we all share the same belief and appreciation that our wellbeing and mental health are precious and need to be nurtured and looked after. I’m very proud and grateful to be part of such a special school community and even despite the distance between us all over the last months, we have pulled together to support and promote positive mental health and I look forward to the day we can celebrate the raising of that beautiful Amber Flag together!!!

Louise O’Connor 

Amber Flag Award


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